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SQL Saturday Lisbon Portugal

We’re on our way home from Lisbon, Portugal after speaking at SQL Saturday #267.  Having had the pleasure to attend and speak at quite a few SQL Saturday events over the years, I’ve never seen a group of event organizers work so tirelessly with as much passion and dedication.  Thanks to Niko Neugebauer, Vitor Pombeiro, Paulo Matos, Quilson Antunes, Murilo Miranda, André Batista and Paulo Borges for the late nights and long hours you all invested to make this a very special SQL Saturday.  The event was a great success; as well as a special day of sightseeing the day afterward for all the speakers.  After recruiting an impressive list of speakers from all over the globe, these volunteers went well beyond the call of duty to chauffer speakers from the airport to hotels, the event venues and around the city.  It was quite a treat.  Thank you!

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